Alex M

Digital Marketing Manager

Bycard virtual cards are tailored for multiple campaigns across platforms.

Enables you set your campaign budget and reduces the risks of exceeding it

Prevents fraud and unauthorized charges with a unique Bycard VCC on your Facebook campaign

Activate and fund your Bycard VCC within seconds to keep campaigns running.

Virtual credit card allows easy tracking of expense across multiple campaigns

Why Choose VCC for Your Facebook Ads?


Reach the right audiences that aligns your businesses with advanced targeting options when you pay with a Bycard virtual credit card

Engagement and Website Traffic

Increase more visibility on Facebook content driving more organic searches


Bycard VCC are available to all business, providing the best ROI in terms of PPC

Optimized Campaign

Payment with virtual card for facebook ad,easily allowS performance monitoring and adjusting strategies.

Choose Bycard VCC For Reliable Payments and Smarter Advertising.

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